In today’s rapidly advancing world of technology, the importance of environmental preservation has never been more pronounced. As we navigate the challenges posed by climate change, organisations, like Save the Beach Maldives (STBM) are stepping up as champions of conservation, dedicated to safeguarding the natural wonders that grace our planet. If you are a student who’s currently immersed in the world of higher education, STBM’s volunteer opportunities provide a unique chance to delve into the captivating Maldivian ecosystem, gain firsthand insights, and contribute to a sustainable future.

Immersing in a Maldivian Adventure

Nestled among the cobalt-blue waters and vibrant coral reefs of the Maldives lies an ecosystem of unparalleled beauty and fragility. STBM recognises the paramount significance of this unique environment and is passionately committed to ecological preservation, extending an earnest invitation to students like you. It extends an inviting hand to foreign students, urging them to partake in aiding the organisation’s impactful conservation endeavours. The canvas of engagement spans from coral restoration initiatives on diverse islands and resorts to engaging beach cleanups along the unspoiled coastlines. These hands-on experiences not only offer a glimpse into the local culture and environment but also empower participants to become catalysts of positive change.

A Tale of Conservation: The Birth of Save the Beach Maldives

In 2007, the genesis of Save the Beach Maldives (STBM) marked the emergence of a youth movement in Villimale’ a small local island nearby the capital city. Driven by the desire to safeguard the island’s natural beaches from encroaching coastal development, this movement initially comprised annual cleanup events, tree-planting initiatives around the Island, and enthusiastic participation in diverse community activities. What began as grassroots efforts blossomed into a source of inspiration that transcended the boundaries of Villimale’, sparking a wave of cleaning events throughout the Maldives, even extending to the lively Hulhumale’ community.

STBM’s impact extended beyond the shores, encompassing the coral reefs encircling Villimale’. A tapestry of individuals and organisations, including the Maldives National Defence Force (MNDF), the Maldives Police Services, government entities, private enterprises, fellow NGOs, educational institutions, dive centres, and engaged citizens, united in these efforts. Their collective endeavour resulted in the removal of significant amounts of waste—ranging from plastics and metallic fragments to bottles and even diapers—from the beaches and reefs, preserving the natural beauty of the Maldives.

A Visionary’s Leadership: The Role of Hassan (Beybe) Ahmed

At the heart of STBM’s journey stands Hassan (Beybe) Ahmed, a visionary who co-founded the movement alongside Villimale’s young population. With a long-standing connection to the island, Hassan embodied a true passion for environmental conservation. Witnessing the transformative effects of development on the environment, particularly the coral reefs, heightened his commitment to safeguarding these precious ecosystems.

Hassan’s role went beyond mere initiation; he assumed leadership responsibilities from the very beginning. He facilitated STBM’s formal registration as a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) in 2014. Guided by his insight, STBM embarked on a transformative journey, spearheading a range of projects dedicated to conserving not only Villimale’s coastal treasures but also extending their efforts to protect at different local islands and resorts that exist within the entire Maldivian archipelago.

Preservation in Progress: STBM’s Present-Day Vision

Today, STBM’s mission revolves around the preservation of the Maldives’ most cherished assets—its pristine beaches and intricate coral reefs. Their objectives encompass researching and studying these reefs and their marine life, implementing impactful coral restoration initiatives across the Maldives, and educating local communities about active and passive coral restoration, effective waste management, and conscientious conservation practices.

STBM’s influence has transcended geographical boundaries. The organisation has embraced a broader horizon, fostering sustainable long-term projects focused on waste management and coral reef conservation on various islands. By imparting knowledge and empowering island communities, STBM equips them to combat climate change and mitigate human impact, fostering a culture of self-sufficiency in environmental protection.

Personal Growth and Skill Enhancement: Uncover Hidden Benefits 

Beyond the realm of environmental conservation, volunteering with STBM offers you more than what meets the eye—opportunities for personal growth and skill enhancement. Stepping out of your comfort zone to participate in conservation efforts abroad is transformative. Through these experiences, you adapt to new environments, collaborate with diverse groups, conquer challenges, and hone skills such as effective communication, creative problem-solving, and cultural adaptability. These qualities extend beyond personal development, seamlessly aligning with academic pursuits and future professional endeavours.

Exploring the Depths of Learning: A Spectrum of Certification Possibilities

For those who harbour an affinity for underwater exploration, STBM introduces an exciting dimension—diving certifications. Recognising the pivotal role marine ecosystems play in the allure of the Maldives, STBM provides the opportunity to acquire diving certifications. These credentials span from novice levels to advanced dive master certifications, offering more than just a recreational pursuit. Armed with firsthand awareness of the fragility and significance of marine ecosystems, certified divers evolve into vocal advocates for marine conservation. Their narratives promote conscious decision-making and behaviours that contribute to the preservation of oceanic wonders.

Conclusion: Pioneering Change, One Volunteer at a Time

As a university student immersed in the realm of higher education, you possess the power to contribute significantly to environmental preservation. By aligning with STBM’s volunteer initiatives, you’re not just signing up for volunteer work; you’re enlisting in a movement that redefines conservation paradigms in the Maldives. Whether your aspirations lie in marine biology, environmental advocacy, or personal growth, these experiences impart knowledge, skills, and a profound sense of purpose.

Embracing this call through STB’s volunteer opportunities isn’t just an invitation; it’s an immersion into a narrative that’s rewriting the story of conservation in the Maldives. Whether you dream of being a marine biologist, an environmental ambassador, or simply of personal growth, your journey with STB encompasses transformation, enlightenment, and a legacy that extends beyond your time.

Join hands with a community of change-makers, and experience growth, influence, and memories that will leave an indelible mark. As you explore the beauty of the Maldives—its turquoise waters, and its beautiful shores—remember that your actions contribute to a brighter, greener future for all. Together, you will be helping them shape a world that cherishes nature, celebrates unity, and thrives in harmony. If you a ready to embark on this remarkable journey with Save the Beach Maldives, feel free to check out their website,  or reach out to them through

Secret Paradise is an award winning, responsible and sustainable tour company based in the Maldives. In 2022 Wanderlust ranked them in their Top 10 Sustainable Initiative Tour Operators. In 2020 they were commended in the ‘Meaningful Connections’ category World Responsible Tourism Awards and long listed for the 2015 ‘Best for engaging people and culture’ category, World Responsible Tourism Awards. 

As a unique local island tour company in the Maldives they are mindful of ensuring they promote local tourism in line with Maldives culture and beliefsThey respect the communities who open their homes to their guests. Through education of both guests and locals they strive to protect the environment in which they operate and limit wherever possible any negative impact preserving this country’s unique location for generations to come.