Arthur Hill, a renowned singer, comedian, and social media influencer, is well-known for his comedic sketches and engaging content on TikTok. However, beyond his online persona, Arthur has a profound connection to the British coastline, a passion that dates back to his childhood. In a recent interview, Arthur Hill talks through his career as a TikTok influencer, his venture into music, as well as the recent work he has done with HM Coastguard as part of the “Coast Clever” Campaign.

What first triggered your passion for ‘comedy’ content?

Like a lot of other people, I found myself with a lot of time on my hands during Covid and honestly just started making sketches and posting stuff videos to keep myself occupied. I will admit I had been posting content on the internet since I was 12 years old, so it’s always been a passion of mine but that stuff is definitely not worth watching.

Before TikTok, what was the career plan?

I gave a lot of things a go before TikTok worked out. I was certain I wanted to be an actor but then did one audition for acting school and decided it wasn’t for me. Then I gave stand up a go but it was far too scary for me.

Which channels are you loving the most right now?

There’s a comedian called The Squid on TikTok who makes me laugh every time and I think he is very underrated. I also have to shout out my friend ItalianBach who is basically me but way funnier and has a better moustache.

Alongside TikTok, you’ve taken on building a music career. What is your favourite music to produce and did this feel like a natural progression from creating TikToks?

I’ve always enjoyed singing but never believed I could write my own songs and make a career out of it. It was only when I started doing James Blunt impressions in my skits that signing became a bigger part of my life and I started to think that I could do something with it, leading me to where I am now. In terms of my favourite music to produce, I love making music that makes my audience want to dance.

Growing up, did you always aim to have a career where you could perform to an audience?

I think that’s the only thing I was always certain of. That I wanted to perform in front of people in some capacity whether it be comedy or music; it’s where I feel most comfortable.

What qualities do you admire in social media influencers and/or musicians, and whom do you look up to?

It’s their work ethic more than anything else. I think people underestimate how difficult it is to consistently put out high quality content or music. There’s also a lot of pressure to deal with in this job so I really respect anyone in the industry managing to ignore it.

If you could collaborate with anyone, who would it be?

I think Bruno Mars has been someone I have looked up to for a long time (not literally I think he is 5’4) and it would be a dream to work with him one day.

What do you love the most about being an artist?

Hearing fans singing your songs back to you is an unbeatable feeling and I don’t think I’ll ever get used to it. It feels really special every time.

Any advice to those wanting to start up their own channel?

Just find something you enjoy doing and keep at it. With TikTok you are only one video away from your life completely changing and you just have to believe it’s going to be the next one. Find your niche and go for it!

Can you tell us about your work with HM Coastguard. How did this collaboration come about? What is it about their work that strikes such an important cord with yourself?

I always spent a lot of time at the coast with my family when growing up. Lots of my best memories come from beach trips down in Cornwall and I think the coast is such a beautiful place.

That being said, I think that lots of people are unaware of the dangers of the coast. Over the last four years, 12% increase in incidents at the coast, leading to coastguards being called out. Working with HM Coastguard, I want to encourage the public to enjoy the coast in the safest way possible.

Ahead of visiting the coast, people should check the weather and tide times, ensure they tell someone where they are going, and only head out with a fully charged phone.

HM Coastguard has launched the ‘Coast Clever’ summer safety campaign. The campaign aims to raise awareness about common coastal hazards, such as:

  • Tidal cut-offs – the risk of being surrounded by water as the tide comes in.
  • Offshore winds – which can blow people from land into the sea.
  • Cliff slips and falls – urging visitors to stay clear of cliff edges.

For more information on the ‘Coast Clever’ campaign and to watch Arthur Hill’s coastal safety film, visit