How To Be Positive When Feeling Low


One of the hardest challenges we may face is to stay positive and optimistic while our schedule is filled with many obligations. Many people today feel low, which is understandable since our daily lives are usually centred around tasks, work, education, and taking care of our families. We feel low because we don’t have as much time for ourselves as we would want to.

Here are some tips on how to feel positive:

1. One of the most ‘successful’ thing that works for me is to enjoy and appreciate little things and moments: those 20 minutes while drinking coffee, seeing a meaningful Instagram post, taking a walk to your work. To me, it is all about the perspective. When we think about everything negatively, it is expected that everything we do and feel will be negative. We can easily complain about having ‘only’ 20 minutes for our coffee.

2. Since we spend a lot of our time on social media, we can easily be influenced by negative headlines and opinion. We don’t need that. We can easily unfollow those accounts and pages that only bring negative things to you.

3. Doing something for yourself, even small acts such as having a bath or making yourself a healthy dinner is an act of self-care. We must understand that we must increase these simple acts of self-care so we can feel good about ourselves.

4. Taking a moment for ourselves can make a big difference. Think about three things you’re grateful for. This act will not take much of your time, but it can make you more mindful and positive in the long run.

Article written by Aleksandra Matura

All opinions in this article are the author’s own views.

If you are experiencing difficulties with your mental health, please seek advice from a medical professional or the Samaritans helpline at 116 123.