Head of Adult Social Care
Are you a talented and experienced qualified social work professional established at this level or looking for a promotion? Carmarthenshire is seeking a compassionate and values-driven leader, who can drive transformation, innovation and improvement across services for Adults. You will have a commitment to and experience of leadership in Mental Health, Learning disability and Adult Safeguarding. Carmarthenshire has well developed strategies to expand our in house residential, homecare and supportive living services so knowledge on how to develop this direct provision is an advantage.
Working effectively with partners in the police and health services is essential and you would join an authority where there are excellent supportive relationships with both agencies that you can build on. Whilst older people services are managed separately and are fully integrated with health you will be working closely with the Head of Integrated services in delivering effective Homecare and reablement to older people.
Candidates will need a strong track record of success and be able to inspire staff, improve services and work corporately. Culture and behaviours are important to us in Carmarthenshire, and we will therefore be looking for candidates who can be positive, accountable, courageous/innovative and kind. Working as one collegiate team we will deliver the best possible outcomes for vulnerable adults.
Are you the proven leader committed to improving the lives of vulnerable adults that we are looking for? If you are, then we’d really like to hear from you!
Closing date: Midnight on Tuesday 7th January 2025.
Shortlisting: Wednesday 15th January 2025.
Assessment Centre: 23rd January 2025.
Final Interviews: Tuesday 4th February 2025.
To arrange an informal discussion with Jake Morgan, the Director for Community Services, please e-mail: Gill Powell –
Ydych chi’n weithiwr proffesiynol talentog a phrofiadol ym maes gwaith cymdeithasol, sy’n sefydledig ar y lefel hon neu’n chwilio am ddyrchafiad? Mae Sir Gaerfyrddin yn chwilio am arweinydd tosturiol sy’n cael ei yrru gan werthoedd, a all ysgogi trawsnewid, arloesi a gwella ar draws gwasanaethau i oedolion. Bydd gennych ymrwymiad i arweinyddiaeth ym maes Iechyd Meddwl, Anableddau Dysgu a Diogelu Oedolion, a phrofiad o hynny. Mae gan Sir Gaerfyrddin strategaethau datblygedig i ehangu ein gwasanaethau preswyl, gofal cartref a byw â chymorth mewnol, felly mae gwybodaeth am sut i ddatblygu’r ddarpariaeth uniongyrchol hon yn fantais.
Mae gweithio’n effeithiol gyda phartneriaid yn yr heddlu a’r gwasanaethau iechyd yn hanfodol a byddech yn ymuno ag awdurdod lle mae perthnasoedd cefnogol rhagorol gyda’r ddwy asiantaeth y gallwch adeiladu arnynt. Er bod gwasanaethau pobl hŷn yn cael eu rheoli ar wahân ac wedi’u hintegreiddio’n llawn ag iechyd, byddwch yn gweithio’n agos gyda Phennaeth y Gwasanaethau Integredig i ddarparu gofal cartref a gwasanaethau ailalluogi effeithiol i bobl hŷn.
Bydd angen i ymgeiswyr fod â hanes cryf o lwyddiant a gallu ysbrydoli staff, gwella gwasanaethau a gweithio’n gorfforaethol. Mae diwylliant ac ymddygiad yn bwysig i ni yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, ac felly byddwn yn chwilio am ymgeiswyr a all fod yn gadarnhaol, yn atebol, yn ddewr/arloesol ac yn garedig. Gan weithio fel un tîm colegaidd, byddwn yn sicrhau’r canlyniadau gorau posibl i oedolion agored i niwed.
Ai chi yw’r arweinydd profedig sydd wedi ymrwymo i wella bywydau oedolion agored i niwed rydym yn chwilio amdano? Os felly, hoffem glywed gennych!
Dyddiad cau: Canol nos ddydd Mawrth 7 Ionawr 2025.
Llunio Rhestr Fer: Dydd Mercher 15 Ionawr 2025.
Y Ganolfan Asesu: 23 Ionawr 2025.
Cyfweliadau Terfynol: Dydd Mawrth 4 Chwefror 2025.
I drefnu sgwrs anffurfiol gyda Jake Morgan, Cyfarwyddwr y Gwasanaethau Cymunedol, e-bostiwch: Gill Powell –