Dwayne Johnson’s “Red One” is a festive surprise, blending action, comedy, and heart. As Callum Drift, Johnson embarks on a wild ride with Chris Evans’ Jack O’Malley to rescue Santa Claus (JK Simmons). This unlikely duo’s journey isn’t just about saving Christmas; it’s about rediscovery. Evans’ character, initially jaded, reconnects with his lost “inner child” as he navigates the mystical...
Amy Tsang, the talented Chinese-American actress known for her versatile roles in Grey’s Anatomy and Lucifer, has recently taken the Star Wars universe by storm. Best known for her role in The CW’s Kung Fu, Amy has now stepped into the shoes of Ensign Rane, an Acolyte witch, in the highly anticipated Disney+ series Star Wars: The Acolyte. We caught...
AlphaTheta, a world-class manufacturer of DJ equipment, announces the release of the DDJ-FLX2, an easy-to-use DJ controller that’s perfect for anyone thinking of starting to DJ. Simply install one of several compatible DJ applications on your smartphone, tablet, or computer, connect it to the DDJ-FLX2, and you’ll be ready to seamlessly mix tracks and apply exciting effects with ease, just...
Road trips can be appealing for countless reasons, and there’s no reason not to go on one. When you do, you’ll need to consider any pets you have at home. Most people would just arrange for someone to look after their dog when they’re away. As natural as this is, it’s not your only option. You could go on a...
The stereotype of the unemployed writer as a starving artist is a common misconception about individuals who choose to pursue a career in creative writing.  But the truth? Creative writing can lead you down myriad lucrative, varied, and rewarding career paths. The best part? You’ll be able to put your creative talents to good use by exploring the infinite opportunities...
https://youtu.be/CwAKPCurogc   In this captivating episode, we dive into a conversation with filmmaker Jessica Sarah Rinland as she discusses her latest film, "Collective Monologue." The film, which explores the intricate relationship between architecture, zoos, and conservation, began as an interest in the Buenos Aires Zoo, which reopened in 2019 after a period of closure due to animal rights protests. Intimately observing...
To walk past Cinema 1 at Picturehouse Central this morning while Mike Leigh's Hard Truths screened inside, you might have assumed that a comedy was playing. For a film centered solely around one woman's relentless and agonizing depression, Leigh certainly squeezed every last beat of comedy out of his new picture – making for a rich and textured slice-of-life...
Calling all DJs and party-goers! Want to take your DJ game to the next level? This is your chance! AlphaTheta is hosting the ultimate “Tech Treasure Hunt” at Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE), and the prize is a flagship DJ setup worth over €7,000!  The competition has been launched over at the AlphaTheta @pioneerdjeurope Instagram channel, with more clues to follow. When...
Growing up under the shadow of dyslexia during a time when it was not as well known about as it is today, provided a very challenging reality for a child trying to fit into a society that was not fully equipped to understand the realities faced through school. Focus on your daughter, I recall my teacher saying to my...
Honest, heartfelt and epic from beginning to end, Steve McQueen's Blitz is a take on World War II London that we haven't seen on screen before. Told through the eyes of nine-year-old George (played by the excellent Elliot Heffernan), McQueen guides us through the interweaving streets of the city both above and below ground as fighter planes and missiles...


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