When you are setting up a new business, there are a few things in particular that you should make sure you are putting into place. One of the most important ones is the website. Your website should be up and running as you start the business, as it is likely going to be one of the most important portals that your business has. But what should the website have and how can you make sure it is done effectively? Let’s take a look at what your new business website really needs if it is going to work well.
An ‘About Us’ Page
This is fundamental. It helps to introduce your business to new people and to the world more generally, and it forms one of the most essential elements to any new website. You should make sure that the About Us page is easily accessible, and that you have written it effectively too. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking it’s filler and that nobody pays attention to it – actually, people do tend to read About Us pages, or at least glance over them, and they are vital towards helping people to form an image of your company.
A Chatbot
More and more business websites have chatbots now, and with good reason. Very often, a chatbot can help direct a customer to the right place in such a way that it is going to actively help and save time for the customer as well as for your business. And part of the reason that more businesses are using chatbots is because you can now easily build a chatbot for business websites using AI that are extremely reliable and effective. It’s therefore now a must-have for your business website and you should certainly ensure you do have one.
Employee Photos
There is something very powerful about bringing in a human touch to things, and that’s something that you can easily do if you want to make sure you are effectively improving your relations with your customers. Your website might therefore benefit from having a page about who you are as individuals and as a team. Ideally, this will be complete with some photographs of the employees, or at least the main top team. This is a great way to humanize things and to make the company more appealing to people, so it’s absolutely worth your while.
The Right Domain Name
Finally, make sure that you are definitely happy with your domain name. If you are not, then you’ll certainly want to improve it before too long. After all, the domain name is going to follow you around for a long time, and if you are not happy with it that can be a big problem in terms of marketing your business generally. This is therefore something that you will want to think about and it’s going to really make a world of difference when you are trying to improve your business website too.